Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Quick Write:

Honestly I work pretty hard to control my impulses , there are plenty of times when lashing out comes to to mind but its easier to control my impulses rather then wishing i wouldve never done something that i would regret later on, there nothing worst i hate then regrets so i do try hard to control my impulses.

1.)What is Beatriz Luna's major claim?
As more work is completed, it is becoming apparent that society should not be fooled into thinking that  teen has the mental process of an adult. 
 2.)What important studies and facts support her claim?
Teens use more of their prefrontal cortex resources than adults.

3.)What is Robert Epstein's counterclaim?
There is no teen brain that is universally different from adult brains.

4.)What important studies and facts does he use to support his counterclaim?
Observation that studies that implicate a teen brain tend to look only at American adolescents. He' says research shows that "teens in other countries and developing nations don't behave or feel like American teens.

5.)How does Luna dismiss/refute Epstein's counterclaim?
She says her experiments control for cultural differences because they look at the brain function based on emotionally neutral stimuli, not socially relevant behavioral decisions.She also points out that the structure of teen brain is "not ready" and that this is good thing, because it allows the brain to develop more consistently with the particular environment in which it matures.

Im with Epstein I do believe that some brains are more mature then others but "there's no such thing as an adult brain" . 

 I believe that I'am very much endogenous , as I was younger and got into a lot of trouble as a kid for making bad decisions without thinking I grew up to learn how to control my impulses , my reflexes and reactions i often think before I do make less mistakes as I become an adult.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Quick Write:
 Well I believe that Ms.Becker sees so much potential in me we've also spoOne of the brain regions that changes most dramatically during adolescencee before and i think she actually believes in me, believes in my idea's, my effort and believes that I need more confidence in my work that i should give myself that extra push to believe in myself as well.

1.)How does Ms. Blakemore define adolescence?
-Starts at puberty

2.)How long does it last?
- Ends in the early 30's

3.)What is the significance of the prefrontal cortex?
-One of the brain regions that changes most dramatically during adolescence.

4.)Which section is this on the diagram we viewed yesterday?
-Executive Processes

5.)What is synaptic pruning and what is the significance of the process?
-Synaptic pruning is the elimination of unwanted synapses. You prune away the weaker branches so that the remaining, important branches, can grow stronger, and this process, which effectively fine-tunes brain tissue according to the species-specific environment, is happening in prefrontal cortex and in other brain regions during the period of human adolescence.

6.)What is the social brain?
-How good we are at reading other people's behavior, their actions, their gestures, their facial expressions, in terms of their underlying emotions and mental states.

7.)Explain the design and results of the experiment in which adolescents were compared to adults in seeing things from another person's perspective.
-adolescents and adults use a different mental approach, a different cognitive strategy, to make social decisions, and one way of looking at that is to do behavioral studies whereby we bring people into the lab and we give them some kind of behavioral task, the adolescents did pretty well with the first task but when they were asked to put the same task into the others person perspective adults were able to do it much better the adolescents.

8.)Describe the difference between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex in teenagers and adults.
-The limbic system is right deep inside the brain, and it's involved in things like emotion processing and reward processing. It gives you the rewarding feeling out of doing fun things, including taking risks. It gives you the kick out of taking risks, The prefrontal cortex is the front part of your brain witch thinks before taking risks.
9.)Do you see your own adolescence as a problem or an opportunity?Explain.
- I Don't see my own adolescence as a problem, i often try to understand people's reasoning as to just arguing or debating about something im very understanding.

10.)Make one suggestion you have for educators based on this Ted Talk.
-The environment, including teaching, can and does shape the developing adolescent brain.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Quick Write:
I Do not agree that teenagers should have the same rights as adults because teenagers do have some growing up to do teenagers can be as mature as adults but it wouldnt be as wise to give teenagers the same rights as adults. 

What makes teenagers different from adults and babies? 
  -As babies we are very curious we often grow into teens that take risk and try things out prepare ourselves to becoming adults who have mostly experience it all.  

How is decision-making connected to the various parts of the brain?
  -We often take risk as teens and even adults before taking a risk we think about if we should do it or not something in our brains tell us whether we should do it or not.

How should society differentiate between teenagers and adults from a legal, social, and individual perspective?
  - I believe that from a legal standpoint teenagers should be treated as adults we are old enough to know right from wrong i dont believe that if a teenagers commits a murder they shouldnt be treated any different from an adult, as for social most teenagers are engaged in sex and crazy television , etc we shouldnt be treated any different after all we are becoming adults and are still humans so whether we do it now or later it'll still happen, as far as individual perspective i believe that teenagers should have the same respect as adults in order to grow up and actually become an mature adult we should have some type of respect as an teenager.   

 How do we evaluate our own brain development at this point in our lives?
 - As we grow we learn more about our selves, our brains, the way we think and how we grow