Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Quick Write:

Honestly I work pretty hard to control my impulses , there are plenty of times when lashing out comes to to mind but its easier to control my impulses rather then wishing i wouldve never done something that i would regret later on, there nothing worst i hate then regrets so i do try hard to control my impulses.

1.)What is Beatriz Luna's major claim?
As more work is completed, it is becoming apparent that society should not be fooled into thinking that  teen has the mental process of an adult. 
 2.)What important studies and facts support her claim?
Teens use more of their prefrontal cortex resources than adults.

3.)What is Robert Epstein's counterclaim?
There is no teen brain that is universally different from adult brains.

4.)What important studies and facts does he use to support his counterclaim?
Observation that studies that implicate a teen brain tend to look only at American adolescents. He' says research shows that "teens in other countries and developing nations don't behave or feel like American teens.

5.)How does Luna dismiss/refute Epstein's counterclaim?
She says her experiments control for cultural differences because they look at the brain function based on emotionally neutral stimuli, not socially relevant behavioral decisions.She also points out that the structure of teen brain is "not ready" and that this is good thing, because it allows the brain to develop more consistently with the particular environment in which it matures.

Im with Epstein I do believe that some brains are more mature then others but "there's no such thing as an adult brain" . 

 I believe that I'am very much endogenous , as I was younger and got into a lot of trouble as a kid for making bad decisions without thinking I grew up to learn how to control my impulses , my reflexes and reactions i often think before I do make less mistakes as I become an adult.

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