Monday, January 12, 2015

Wait or just say no

Quick Write:
I believe that parents have a hard time getting through to children but I also believe that the best advice parents can give their children about drugs, alcohol,  and other risky behaviors is to explain how much it would effect them , describe their experience and just hope that maybe , just maybe they won't do it anyway's.

                           Should parents abandon the "just say no" slogan of the Reagan era?

Some things teenagers is just going to get curious and want to try , so when that occurs the best thing to do is keep them informed and be open with them. In my opinion i believe that parents should go with the "Just say no" slogan of the reagan era I think that a parent should definitely inform their child about dangerous drugs.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Quick Write:

I believe that self control takes a big effect on success because without self control sometimes you may get distracted on what it is that your trying to focus on.

I believe that I wouldve done pretty well with the The Mallomar Test I have a great deal of self control I also would'nt mind waiting on something 15 mins for something i actually like.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Argument Essay Challenge

 Quick Write:

 In my opinion I believe that teenagers should be treated as young adults , I also believe that some teenagers are mature enough, some may even have children of their own , we are still developing as a teen (young adult). Although we may have a harder time to make rational decisions no excuse is an excuse.

Friday, December 5, 2014

I'll like to give thanks to all those who view my blog , those who take the time out to leave comments and to Ms.Becker for making blogging fun for all the amazing ideas quick writes and topics every day.

My I-Search Project

Final Reflection:
As a scholar in completing this project. I learned that there were plenty of informational things that I didn't already know previous to my I search , I learned that one question can go a long way and how not to be afraid to ask because there's plenty people in this world that may have the same questions. As I explored my topic for research the most difficult thing i had to do as interview my best friend , going into the interview I didn't know how she would feel about the questions I had for her. But being able to have her open up to me was one of the most memorable things I've done in this project. As of right now I feel like I've achieved a lot while doing this project , I learned so many things and if I can I'll do it all over again.

Click here to see my awesome i search project

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Quick Write:
Some people may not fully agree with the idea of metal detectors in school but, tragically there have been too many school shootings to count in recent years. I believe that society give children these crazy ideas because of what is allowed in schools, to be allowed in schools without medal detectors or school  ID's is absolutely absurd and unsafe.

  Daniel R. Weinberger states that the brain of a 15 year old is not mature. Particularly in an area called the prefrontal cortex, which is critical to good judgement and suppression of impulse. He continues to say the shooter at Santana High , like other adolescents, needed people or institutions to prevent him from being in a potentially deadly situation where his immature brain was left to its own devices. No matter what, if a gun is put in the control of the prefrontal cortex of a hurt and vengeful 15 year old, and is pointed at a human target, it will very likely go off. His claim was that teenagers are to young to know any better or to think before doing , I however disagree with his claim I do believe that it may be harder for an adolescent to control their impulses then it is for adults but for a adolescent to cause a shooting in a shoot would have to be thought out or planned.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Quick Write:

Honestly I work pretty hard to control my impulses , there are plenty of times when lashing out comes to to mind but its easier to control my impulses rather then wishing i wouldve never done something that i would regret later on, there nothing worst i hate then regrets so i do try hard to control my impulses.

1.)What is Beatriz Luna's major claim?
As more work is completed, it is becoming apparent that society should not be fooled into thinking that  teen has the mental process of an adult. 
 2.)What important studies and facts support her claim?
Teens use more of their prefrontal cortex resources than adults.

3.)What is Robert Epstein's counterclaim?
There is no teen brain that is universally different from adult brains.

4.)What important studies and facts does he use to support his counterclaim?
Observation that studies that implicate a teen brain tend to look only at American adolescents. He' says research shows that "teens in other countries and developing nations don't behave or feel like American teens.

5.)How does Luna dismiss/refute Epstein's counterclaim?
She says her experiments control for cultural differences because they look at the brain function based on emotionally neutral stimuli, not socially relevant behavioral decisions.She also points out that the structure of teen brain is "not ready" and that this is good thing, because it allows the brain to develop more consistently with the particular environment in which it matures.

Im with Epstein I do believe that some brains are more mature then others but "there's no such thing as an adult brain" . 

 I believe that I'am very much endogenous , as I was younger and got into a lot of trouble as a kid for making bad decisions without thinking I grew up to learn how to control my impulses , my reflexes and reactions i often think before I do make less mistakes as I become an adult.